Monday, October 01, 2012

Vegan MoFo yeah yeah yeah! :D

Goood morning MoFo-ers!!! :) It's 6:30 am on October 1st 2012 here in Bangalore, India. I woke up this morning to find that my Veganosaurus Facebook Page has crossed 1000 'likes'! Yay!! 1001 'fans' is a wonderful way to start Vegan MoFo month!! :)

Before you get any ideas, I don't have any habits of being awake at such early, ungodly hours in the morning. I just *happened* to be awake and I couldn't resist dropping in here to write a quick, "hello Vegan MoFo" post on my phone's Blogger app. :)

Have you ever tried typing out HTML on a teeny tiny touchscreen keyboard? It is a paaaain!! I am *so* glad I have the first two days of MoFo posts pre-scheduled because I might be outside my home a lot over these two days and I definitely don't want to be stuck doing MoFo posts on my phone! Haha

I have a recipe post scheduled for later in the day, when more MoFo-ers will be awake and blogging, but until then, if you'd like some food porn, then take a look at my Vegan MoFo 2012 Sneak Peek album.

Have a wonderful day and an even more awesome Vegan MoFo month!! Looking forward to visiting everyone's blogs to check out the drool-worthy awesomeness you'll all be posting. :)